Call for Academic Papers\ Call for Research Papers: - 2025 volume 8 issue 1 - January - February:- International Journal of Applied Science and Research [IJASR]

International Journal of Applied Science and Research [IJASR] is multidisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal intended to publish original research papers in all main branches of science (All scientific disciplines) a peer reviewed refereed bimonthly journal that publishes empirical, conceptual and review papers of exceptional quality that contribute to enrich business administration thinking .The objective of the Journal is to disseminate knowledge, which ensures good practice of professional management and its focal point is on research and reflections relevant to academicians and practicing managers/Administrators for sustainable Applied Science and Research changes.

IJASR guides it to map new frontiers in emerging and developing areas in research, industry and governance as well as to link with centers of excellence worldwide to stimulate young minds for creating knowledge based community.

Our continued success lies in bringing together and establishing channels of communication between leading policy-makers and prominent experts in industry, commerce and related business as well as renowned academic, education and research based institutions to provide solutions for addressing the key issues of the contemporary society.

We see the need for synergy and collaboration between these fields rather than segmentation and isolation. Hence, our objectives are to build new links, networks and collaborations between communities of thinkers, scholars, managerial experts and practioners in order to stimulate and enhance creative and application-oriented solutions for society.

In order to foster and promote innovative thinking in the management studies and social sciences research, itself by introducing its Journal at global platform in ensuring the high quality and professional research standards.

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S.No. January - February Page No. Downloads
1. A Dimensional Approach to Assess Emotional Wellness: Reliability and Validity of a Modified Emotional Wellness Scale (EWS)

Sebahudin Kedir Seman 1 and Assoc. Prof. Buket Akdol Doyuran 2


ABSTRACT: The study aims to adapt and validate a measurement tool for emotional wellness, specifically focusing on its multidimensional structure. The study was conducted by using online survey method with a sample size 356 white-collar employees from selected service sectors in Ethiopia. Primary data was gathered using a modified 16- item structured emotional wellness questionnaire. Exploratory Factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to test the validity of EWS. Cronbach alpha and item-total score correlation was used to analyse the reliability of the EWS. The EFA showed that the EWS has a two-factor structure, with 14 items accounting for 52.2% of the total variance, indicating a valid factor structure. The sub-dimensions were identified as "Emotional Management" and "Emotional Awareness,". Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) supports the twofactor model, with excellent fit with various statistical indices (CIMN (X²/ df=1.86), RMSEA =0.052, SRMR = 0.049, CFI= 1.000, NFI= .996, GFI =.997 and RFI= .995). The scale's reliability is confirmed through the Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient, with an overall score of α= 0.922 and with sub-dimensions scoring α= 0.897 and α= 0.864, respectively. The scale's unique features demonstrate high discriminatory power, with a satisfactory correlation with the items' index score and a range of 0.527 to 0.723. The finding shows that the EWS is a reliable and theoretically sound tool for assessing emotional wellness. This measurement instrument has been exclusively evaluated on white-collar employees within select service sectors in Ethiopia. It requires further testing across diverse cultures, sectors, and larger sample sizes to ensure generalisability.

Keyword: Emotional Wellness, Scale Adaptation, Validity, Reliability.

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